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Questions and Answers
Translate a Word
Episode Eighteen - Investing in Your Children's Education

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Speaking Skills

1.  The toy store is ________ the mechanic shop and the sandwich shop.
 at  between  here

2.  Tony is _____ the sandwich shop.
 the  of  at

3.  What street runs North and South?
 Main Street  Western Blvd.  Tony

4.  Main Street is ________ Wall Street and First Street.
 between  behind  at

5.  The post office is ____________ the parking lot.
 between  at  in front of

6.  Main street is _________ First Street.
 next to  at  on

7.  The school is _____ Wall Street.
 in front of  on  here

8.  Who is waiting at the bus stop?
 Tony  School  Eva

9.  The bank is ____ Main Street.
 behind  between  on

10.  The parking lot is __________ the hardware store.
 behind  next to  at
