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Episode Twelve - Civic Participation

Life Skills


Civic Participation

Civic participation is essential to good citizenry. Our effective use of rights and responsibilities in our society needs our commitment, our beliefs, and skills. Our values express our belief about the purpose of government. Our skills express our abilities to work as a group and make our civic principles work.

There are many things you can do to participate in the community. In situations where time is critical and your participation may make a difference, give it all of your attention and try to gather as much support as possible. Identify the problem completely and create a strategy to solve the problems in your neighborhood and community. Write letters to politicians that can help you with your cause. Contact the media, the newspapers, radio stations, etc. Your future may be at stake, so present your case calmly and try not to lose your temper. Stand up for what you believe but do it in a civilized manner. And most of all, adopt a disposition of tolerance, fairness, respect for the opinion of others and commitment to the truth working together with your fellow neighbors.