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Episode Eight - Men's Changing Roles

Life Skills


Read and Understand These Concepts:

The changing roles of women

There is no question that in today's society, the role men play has changed from years past. Traditionally, men have been the breadwinners of the family while women stayed at home to take care of the children. Nowadays, however, as a result of women joining the workforce, most couples that share a home also share responsibilities.

Since both men and women work, they usually have equal authority and responsibility. For example, unlike in the past, men must now compromise and do house chores. Taking care of the children, cooking dinner, making the bed, doing the dishes, going shopping, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, washing the windows, sweeping the floor, vacuuming the carpet and washing the car are some of the duties that men and women now share. There is no such thing as man's work and woman's work anymore. It is just work.