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Episode Three - Support Systems for Injured Workders

Special Skills Activity


Click on the arrow and choose the correct answer.


Life Skills

1.  Did an ambulance come to deal with the injury?
 No  Yes  Next day

2.  Who was injured?
 Mr. Miller  Alejandro Cordero  Stanley

3.  What's this?
 A job report  An injury on the job report  A schedule

4.  Who is in charge at Cosmo's restaurant?
 Elsi  Cosmo Miller  Reza

5.  Who is Cosmo Miller?
 The owner  The bus boy  The doctor

6.  What time did the injury occur?
 6:46 p.m.  6:46 a.m.  6:36 a.m.

7.  What was Alejandro trying to fix?
 A loose shelf.  A bad floor.  A big meal.

8.  When did the injury occur?
 May 6, 2000  February 25, 2001  Yesterday

9.  What happened to Alejandro?
 He was drunk.  He went to sleep.  He broke his leg.

10.  Where did the injury happen?
 Cosmo's restaurant  At home  At the bar
